The Datafile PD-CD 1 Issue 2
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456 lines
Smart Quotes version 1.20
⌐ Sam Kington 6th September 1994
See öBoring legal messageò for conditions of distribution.
This program is freeware, *not* public domain ù i.e., I retain copyright.
This ₧le contains the following sections (those marked * are essential to
using Smart Quotes, the others less so):
*Å Warning... ù this program is RISC OS 3 (or later) only
Å Boring legal message ù terms of distribution
Å About the strange characters... ù if this looks strange on a PC
Å Iæm using an Acorn machine... ù donæt read this in the System font
*Å Quotation marks ù how quotes work
*Å Ligatures and diphthongs ù how diphthongs work
*Å Typing mistakes ù which ones Smart Quotes can correct
*Å Menu structure, windows ù brief explanation
*Å Diphthong menu - what it does
*Å Settings window ù where you choose types of substitution
Å Choices dialogue box ù various preferences or choices
Å Other choices ù more choices
Å Characters dialogue box ù change the characters used for quotes
*Å Diphthongs window ù viewing and editing diphthongs
Å Using diphthongs ù hints and tips for diphthongs
Å How to contact me ù says it all really. Address, email, etc.
The ₧le Other.MoreInfo contains the following, more obscure stuff:
Å What these ₧les actually do ù explanation of all the ₧les
Å The ₧les you actually need ù how to make a smaller Smart Quotes
Å Miscellanea ù a few things that didnæt ₧t anywhere else
Å * commands ù commands provided by the module
Å Variables ù special variables used by Smart Quotes
Å Changing the font ù how to change the default font
Å Changes between previous versions ù whatæs been added, changed etc.
Å Thanks etc. ù various thank-yous, greets, comments, etc.
Å Known problems ù various problems with other programs etc.
Å Wish-list ù things I would like to do to Smart Quotes
You may not have a ₧le called Other.MoreInfo, in which case you have a
small version of Smart Quotes. The full version has source code and other
goodies, and should be freely available from the place you got this version.
The ₧le FileList contains a full list of the ₧les you should have.
Warning ù Smart Quotes needs the Filter Manager
Smart Quotes works by intercepting key events passed to WIMP
applications, a facility which is only available under RISC OS 3 or later.
It determines which version of RISC OS it is running under by checking
whether the FilterManager is present or not ù so if you have RISC OS 3 or
later, type *RMReinit FilterManager at the CLI prompt (F12 or Ctrl-F12) and
try again.
I am currently aware of four major versions of RISC OS, namely 2.00,
3.00 (early A5000s), 3.10 (most newish machines) and 3.50 (RISC PC). Smart
Quotes will not work on RISC OS 2, will probably work on RISC OS 3.00 (it
was quite buggy, apparently), will de₧nitely work on 3.10 (the version Iæve
got), and will very probably work on 3.50 ù version 1.14 was tested on a
RISC PC, and thereæs nothing fundamentally different (i.e. it still behaves
the same way).
If you come across any problems, please contact me (see öHow to contact
meò at the end of this ₧le).
Boring legal message
This application is freeware, that is, it can be distributed freely as
long as only reasonable charges are made for media and distribution, and as
long as all the files are distributed intact, unmodified (see öThe ₧les
you may haveò for a full list of files and lengths) ù but see below. I retain
copyright on all program code and documentation.
One slight exception is the set of library routines Other.ShortHelp,
which may be distributed and used separately (for writing modules for
instance). See the ₧le Other.ShortHDocs for more information.
You may also freely distribute and use the module MoreHelp. No
documentation is supplied here, but the application !MoreHelp should be
available from the place you got Smart Quotes (if not, send a disc to me and
Iæll send it to you, but mail me ₧rst).
Given the size of Smart Quotes, and particularly the amount of excess
garbage (source code etc.), you are allowed to distribute a öusefulò version
of Smart Quotes, i.e. that produced by running SlimDown on a full version,
1) You make it quite clear that this is not the complete version, and that
the source code and other interesting ₧les are not included in the
2) You make it as easy as possible to acquire the extra ₧les.
This software is supplied öasáisò: I make no warranty, expressed or
implied, of the merchantability of this software or its ₧tness for any
particular purpose. In no circumstances shall I be liable for any damage,
loss of pro₧ts, or any indirect or consequential loss arising out of the use
of this software or inability to use this software, even if I have been
advised of the possibility of such loss.
In other words, if your computer crashes, blows up, you lose all your work
etc. all because of Smart Quotes (unlikely I know), donæt blame me.
If you use this at all, please write to me or e-mail me (see below)
telling me how wonderful or how atrocious it is. Itæs always nice to hear
from people.
About all these strange foreign characters in this ₧le
OK, so if youære reading this on a PC or a Mac or another strange machine
like that, you may be wondering what all these strange ae things are. Well,
theyære quotes (sorry, there was another one), dashes, ligatures, etc.
Honest. But not on all machines...
Basically, character sets are only standard up to character 127, which is
basically alphanumerics and a few standard punctuation marks. Foreign
characters, typographical oddities like quotes and ligatures, and other more
obscure symbols are önon-standardò, and each computer often has its own idea
of where they should go in the character set. So donæt worry: even if itæs
hard to read on your current machine, it wonæt be on an Acorn machine.
Iæm using an Acorn machine and it still looks strange
Thatæs because youære using the System font. Quotes look OK in the system
font, but dashes and other ligatures or diphthongs look squashed. If youære
reading this in Edit or another editor that knows about outline fonts, change
to an outline font; if youære using Zap, complain bitterly about its lack of
understanding of proportional fonts (if you havenæt come across this
öfeatureò of Zap, try it and be amazed), and load the ₧le into Edit.
If the lines look spaced out in Edit, set Line spacing to -2 or
If you want to see why diphthongs are actually useful, use a serif font
(like Trinity) rather than a sans-serif font (like Homerton); even better,
use the Italic version. The difference is quite spectacular.
Quotation marks
Operation of the program is (hopefully) self-explanatory; the principles
behind it may not be. What the program basically does is sit in the
background, and intercept all the key presses, substituting double and single
quotes according to the current settings, as well as ligatures or
diphthongs. Double quotes are very simple: it just substitutes neutral
quotes (ö) by ö and ò alternatively, which should be OK in the vast majority
of cases (unless you are using lots of nested quotations). You can of course
turn double quote substitution off, for instance if you are programming, and
leave single quote substitution on.
The problem is single quotes. Because SmartQuotes has no knowledge of what
you have previously typed, it doesnæt know, when you type an apostrophe (É),
whether you are starting or closing a quotation (e.g. Ésome textæ), or
whether the apostrophe is part of a word (e.g. ödonætò). So, if it tries to
substitute single quotes like double quotes, i.e. alternating open and double
single quotes, it will often get it wrong. As most people donæt use single
quotes a lot, but use apostrophes all the time, SmartQuotes will
automatically substitute neutral single quotes by apostrophes; however, there
is an option to substitute neutral single quotes alternatively with É and æ.
Of course, if youære still not satis₧ed, you can turn the whole thing off
and stick to double quotes.
Also, it will often not substitute quotes in a writable icon ù keys are
usually handled directly by the WIMP in writable icons, so Smart Quotes
doesnæt get to hear about them. You have to insert them manually ù
Shift-Adjust-clicking on any of Smart Quotesæ windowsæ close icon will run
!Chars (or whatever character viewer you have chosen - see öOther choicesò).
Ligatures and diphthongs
Diphthongs are special characters made out of two other characters östuck
togetherò, like µ (öaò+öeò). This looks more impressive in upper-case: ╞.
Ligatures are special characters made out of two characters östuck
togetherò, like ₧ (öfò + öiò). I canæt show you this in upper-case, because
F and I donæt stick in upper-case.
Thatæs the difference between diphthongs and ligatures (I think - someone
out there who knows much better than I do will probably correct me).
Diphthongs are linguistic combinations, ligatures are typographical
Do not think for a moment that you have to remember this. Itæs quite a
trivial difference anyway, certainly as far as this program is concerned. In
this documentation, I will use ödiphthongò and öligatureò to mean the same
thing, a special character made out of two other characters.
Anyway, Smart Quotes maintains a list of characters and diphthongs (fully
customisable), and scans keypresses like it does for quotes. Whenever two
characters are typed in succession, it looks in its tables to see whether
they should form a diphthong; if they should, it deletes the ₧rst one, and
inserts the required diphthong. So if you type an öfò, and then immediately
afterwards an öiò, it will delete the öfò, and replace the öiò by the magic
character, ö₧ò. Itæs all straightforward (to use, anyway).
Remember, however, that you have to type the two characters in immediate
succession ù if you type a hyphen, then something else, then type another
hyphen after it, nothing will happen. To replace a hyphen by an en-dash, you
have to delete it, then type two hyphens.
Also, when you delete a diphthong, you delete the whole thing. You canæt
type ö₧ò, type delete, and end up with a normal öfò: Smart Quotes knows
youære deleting something, but doesnæt know what (you could have moved the
cursor, changed windows, anything). Itæs a small problem; I hope it doesnæt
irritate you too much.
See öDiphthongs windowò for more details about how to add diphthongs
yourself, and öUsing diphthongsò for more hints and tips.
Typing mistakes
Typing mistakes, known as ötyposò for short: most of them are either
wrong capitalisation or transposition of two letters. Short of having a
massive dictionary Smart Quotes canæt help you with transposition ù and
anyway if youære using this in a word processor you will have a spell checker
ù, but it can make an intelligent guess at correcting capitalisation.
What usually happens is this: you have Caps Lock turned off, and you want
to type a word beginning with a capital letter, so you press Shift to make
the ₧rst letter a capital ù and then you leave it on too long so the second
letter ends up capitalised as well. Youæve usually let it go by the time you
type the third letter, so you end up WIth WOrds THat LOok SOmething LIke
THis. If you have typing mistake checking turned on, and you type two capital
letters at the beginning of a word and then a lower-case letter, Smart Quotes
will replace the second capital letter by a lower-case letter, so you end up
With Words That Look Something Like This.
This is the option that is least likely to cause you problems, as it
doesnæt involve any fancy characters that some programs donæt like. Only turn
it off it you will be typing words like NExT a lot of the time, or if case
matters (variable names, SWI names etc.).
Menu structure, windows
Smart Quotes now supports interactive help, so I will only explain things
in this ₧le that wouldnæt ₧t in the interactive help messages. Interactive
help should by default be turned on; if it isnæt, select öInteractive helpò
in the Choices window, available from the menu option öChoices...ò in the
icon bar menu.
Diphthong menu
Save saves a ₧le called öDiphthongsò in the directory pointed to by the
variable SmartQuotes$ChoicesDir, which is by default SmartQuotes$Dir but can
be changed to point elsewhere if the Smart Quotes directory is read-only or
restricted access (i.e. on a network) in the öOther choicesò window (see
below). The Diphthongs ₧le is a simple Obey ₧le, so double-clicking on it
will load the diphthongs.
Refresh: basically, choose this option if you want to make sure the front
end really knows what characters are going to be substituted. Usually it
does, but if you have modi₧ed the diphthongs in the command line, or by
double-clicking on another Diphthongs ₧le, you have to tell it the
diphthongs have changed.
Settings window
The settings dialogue box determines how characters will be substituted.
Choices take effect immediately, so playing around with the different
options and typing to see what happens is usually the best way to work out
what they all mean.
The dialogue box can take two different forms, depending on the current
choices, which will be reƒected in the title of the window. The default form
is the graphical form ù öShow options as iconsò. You can switch between the
two forms by Adjust-clicking on the windowæs close icon.
Choices dialogue box
This dialogue box affects the working of the front-end, and so doesnæt
affect substitution of quotes: itæs mainly cosmetics. Changes take effect
immediately. See also the öOther choicesò window.
öShow next quote in iconò: If this option is selected, Smart Quotesæ icon
on the icon bar, to the left of the Palette, will change from the standard
Quotes icon (Éæ) to a representation of what double and single quotes would
be represented by (i.e. either an open, double or neutral quote). Again, the
effect is cumbersome to explain in words and very easy to understand when
you can see what is going on ù but basically, its main use is to show you
what the next quote is going to be, so if you donæt like what it will give
you, you can change the options. It doesnæt show ligatures because there are
so many of them.
öRemember quotesæ stateò: If selected, when you temporarily disable quotes
substitution by Adjust-clicking on the iconbar icon, Smart Quotes will
remember the state of the quotes, and restore it when you re-enable
substitution; otherwise, it will reset the quotesæ state to the default
value. So for instance, if you type a double quote (so the next one will be
closed), turn off substitution, do something, then turn it back on, and
type a double quote, if öRemember quotesæ stateò is on you will get a closed
quote, otherwise you will get another open quote.
You should select this option if you usually disable substitution to type
something, then re-enable substitution and carry on where you left off.
Conversely, if you usually disable substitution because you typed a smart
quote rather than a neutral quote, and want to avoid that happening again,
when you really *do* want to type a smart quote you will probably want to
start with an open quote, so you should de-select this option.
öInteractive helpò: If selected, you will get interactive help on all of
Smart Quotesæ windows and icons; if not, you wonæt. As mentioned above, this
is supplied with the module More Help, which means it doesnæt eat up any of
Smart Quotesæ memory ù it does use some in the Module Area, though.
öÉQuitæ kills moduleò: If selected, when you quit the front-end, the
ÉSmartQuotesæ module will be killed, thus stopping all substitution. If you
want substitution to carry on after you quit the front-end (if you are short
of memory, for instance), turn this option off. Bear in mind, however, that
without the front-end you will need to use the command line (F12 or
Ctrl-F12) to modify the settings; also, when you quit the front-end, you may
have forgotten the module is still running and substituting quotes.
Programmers beware!
Other choices
The öOther choicesò window is different from the other windows, in that
changes you make in this window do not take effect immediately. This is due
to the special nature of the Other choices window, which is in fact öownedò
by another application, as it wouldnæt ₧t in the main Smart Quotes
application ù which explains the disc access when you click on the öOther...ò
button in the Choices window.
In this window you can change the font styles Smart Quotes uses for the
öDiphthongsò window, the öEdit diphthongsò window and the öCharactersò
window; you can change the application to be run when you Shift-Adjust click
on a close icon (the öcharacter viewerò); and you can change where Smart
Quotes stores its Choices ₧les, if you are running Smart Quotes from a
read-only ₧ling system like a network, a CD or a protected hard disc.
Full interactive help is provided, so there shouldnæt be too many
difficulties. The following comments may be useful:
Å You donæt have to drag an application to the window to change the
character viewer; you can drag a ₧le as well. (Unfortunately you cannot use a
directory - you canæt have everything). The ₧le will be run using *WimpTask,
which will run the ₧le without telling applications ù so if you run a Draw₧le
and Draw (or a similar application) is running, a second copy of Draw will be
loaded. Therefore, the best ₧les to use are Obey, Command, the TaskWindow
equivalents, Desktop or similar ₧les.
Å You can change the location of the Choices directory (usually called
öSQáChoicesò but you can modify the actual ₧lename by editing the writable
₧eld); when you click öSave and useò, if the ₧lename is different the ₧les
will be copied from their old location to their new one. Smart Quotes will
then try and update the öChoicesò ₧le in the (NB) *Smart Quotes* directory ù
which may be write-protected. In this case, Smart Quotes will try and save it
in the Scrap directory. This also happens if the new choices directory is
write protected. If you donæt have a Scrap directory set up (i.e. you havenæt
öseenò Scrap if you have RISC OS 3.1) the save will fail.
Å When you modify one of the options, the title bar will change to öOther
choices *ò to show that the choices have been modi₧ed.
Characters dialogue box
Clicking Default will revert to default settings. An individual character
will also revert to default if the ₧eld is left blank.
Clicking Save will save the preferred characters to a ₧le called
ö<SmartQuotes$ChoicesDir>.Charsò (see above). This is a standard Obey ₧le,
and so is human-readable and editable (unlike the rather obscure Choices ₧le
;) ). Again, like the Diphthongs ₧le, running it from a Filer window will
load the characters (provided Smart Quotes is running, of course).
Clicking Refresh will re-scan the characters, in case you have changed
the de₧nitions via the command line or by double-clicking on another Chars
Diphthongs window
Choosing òDiphthongs...ö from the main menu will open the Diphthongs
window, containing a list of all the current diphthongs. The list is divided
into three columns, somewhat like this:
First Second Subst
- - ù
ù - ÿ
ÿ - Å
f i ₧
f l ƒ
The window uses an outline font (Trinity.Medium for the text,
Homerton.Bold for the heading, by default) so you can see exactly what is
going on.
The First column contains the ₧rst character in the sequence, the Second
column the second character, the Subst column the character that replaces
the two.
Using diphthongs
Most diphthongs in the list are fairly straightforward: f and i make ₧, -
twice produces an en-dash (ù). There is however more than that to diphthongs:
you can combine several diphthongs. For instance, to get a longer em-dash,
type - three times: it will be substituted by an en-dash, and then by an
em-dash, as another diphthong was de₧ned as ù + - = ÿ. For when a diphthong
is substituted, it simulates a key-press, and can therefore be the ₧rst part
of another diphthong. (Typing - yet again will turn the em-dash into a bullet
Å, as yet another diphthong was de₧ned as ÿ + - = Å).
Another example is fractions. 1 and / produce ╣; afterwards, typing
either 2 or 4 will get ╜ or ╝, as diphthongs have been de₧ned for ╣ and 2
and ╣ and 4.
Accents can also be provided: e and / results in Θ, e and \ in Φ, etc.
Circumƒexes are more difficult (you need a ^, which uses Shift), and umlauts
are downright difficult: " is already used, and using a colon is dangerous as
colons are commonly used after vowels. You could always use ú or |.
Cautionary tale: at one point I was going through the list of ligatures
in the character set, and found ö¢ò. Having just done µ, I added o + e = ¢.
Then I typed ödoesò. Oops. So beware: donæt add diphthongs just because
thereæs a character that *could* be substituted - you might not want to use
How to contact me
All bug-reports, suggestions, comments or indeed any feedback at all will be
welcomed. Hereæs how to get to me:
E-mail : 9262861k@arts.gla.ac.uk, 926286ki@udcf.gla.ac.uk during term-time
These should be OK until June 1996
At Christmas, Easter and during the summer, you can get me at
wombat@altern.com, wombat@email.teaser.com or sam@altern.com, in order
of preference (that is, if mail bounces off one of these or I donæt
answer within a week send to the next one).
Snail-mail : My term-time address, at least until June 1995, is:
Sam Kington
Flat 2/1
44 Hotspur Street
Glasgow G20 8NL
Again, a backup is the home address ù anything that goes here will get
to me eventually.
Sam Kington
24420 Savignac les Eglises
Term-time is October to June, with bits off at Christmas (3 weeks) and
Easter (4 weeks).